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Erasmus + Strategic Partnership for Innovation in Adult Education project

Erasmus + Strategic Partnership for Innovation in Adult Education project, number: 2020-1FR01-KA204-079859 - ENTER:

Since September 1, 2020 Association MINTIES BITES started an Erasmus + Strategic Partnership for Innovation in Adult Education project, number: 2020-1FR01-KA204-079859 - ENTER: Supporting marginalized young adults to enter labour market through innovative

Career Mentoring Model - coordinated by Eurotracks (France).

Partners of the project are as follows: Asociacija MINTIES BITES (Lithuania), Skref fyrir Skref ehf / Step by step (Iceland), APRICOT TRAINING MANAGEMENT LTD (United Kingdom), STANDO LTD (Cyprus), Association "To Preserve The Woman" (Bulgaria), Center za dopisno izobrazevanje Univerzum (Slovenia).

The aims of the Project are as follows:

- to support adult educators with an innovative career focused mentoring methodology for fostering the inclusion and employability of low skilled marginalized young adults;

- to support adult educators to extend their services with innovative curricula and methodology for career mentoring and promote high-quality educational services in non-formal education institutions and organisations;

- to professionalise adult educators and enable them to support individual career development and aspirations of low skilled, unemployed young learners overcome skills mismatches in high demanding labour market;

- to foster employability and socioeducational and personal development of low skilled marginalized young adults with new tools which will be developed with the aim to acquire and develop their high-quality career management skills and competences.

In 2 years project implementation period guidelines for career-focused mentoring and training material for tutors and mentors will be elaborated.

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