Entrepreneurship and Mental Well-being (Entre-MWB)
An Erasmus Plus VET Project number: KA202-0C73A9C4
Duration: 2020-09-01 – 2022-08-31

Development of practical and reflective learning material that supports and promotes Mental Well-Being (MWB) amongst entrepreneurs of Europe.
The purpose:
of the project is to address the concerning effect that entrepreneurship has on the mental health of entrepreneurs across Europe;
Project objectives:
1. Engage with entrepreneurs to identify the key areas where support is needed for the maintenance of mental health and work-life balance;
2. Identify European good practice and implement best and proactive practices of mental health support supported by published case study materials for disseminate to a range of target groups;
3. Assess effective approaches to ensure health and well-being that are practised in Europe and publish such findings throughout Europe;
4. Deliver training and awareness programmes covering all aspects of mental health and well-being to support new entrepreneurs;
5. Publish case study materials, teaching cases, training materials, fact sheets that support the mental health and well being of entrepreneurs to ensure 24/7 access.
Applicant and co-ordinator: PBB Ltd/ UK
Mediasphere/ UK
Stichting Avans/ NL
Odisee/ BE
University College Leuven & Limberg/ BE
Instituto de Empreenddorismo Social (IES), Cascais/ PT
Businet/ BE
Nordic EdTech/ EE